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2021 (blog) Year in review

January 03, 2022 — Nico Cartron

Some quick facts about my blogging habits in 2021.


I (restarted) blogging in April 2020, but it's only in January 2021 that I did so on a regular basis.
So I figured out it would be fun to have some numbers about what I wrote about last year :)

Articles, overall

Total number of articles

I wrote 66 articles in 2021, so a bit more than 1 per week.

Breakdown per month

On average, I indeed wrote one article per week, but some months have been a lot more productive:

  • 11 posts in February (that's almost twice per week!)
  • 7 in March
  • 7 in April
  • 6 in May
  • 6 in September


I wrote mainly in English (58 posts), with the rest of 8 posts written in French (my native language).

I'm using English by default as it allows me reaching a wider audience - and French when I feel a specific article is worth translating.
It also happened that I wrote an article only in French, either because it was a translation of someone else's article (like this excellent article from Ted Gioia), or because its content mainly applied to a French-speaking audience (like this article about the French Post and Phising).


I'm using Tags for each blog post, which I find useful both for people reading my blog, and also myself to categorise articles.

This page lists all my articles, broken down by tag.

In 2021, I mainly wrote about:

  • Sailfish OS : 23 posts
  • PineTime: 22 posts
  • Running: 8 posts
  • Emulation/Retrograming: 6 posts

What's next in 2022?

I think that one article per week is a sweet spot: it's a bit of work, but it also forces me to write about things I like.

In terms of topics, I'll keep writing on Sailfish OS, PineTime and Running, but I will also introduce more regular "guests" topics, for instance DNS or FreeBSD.
Still pretty technical topics, but I'll also write a bit more about music (I have some gigs lined up in '22, so provided Covid doesn't cancel my plans, I should be able to come up with some nice articles about those!).
And probably other topics, continuing on my Retrograming articles about the Amstrad CPC, but also some Nintendo stuff... stay tuned :)

Tags: Misc

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If you like my work, you can buy me a coffee!