The OSs I use most often
Let's have a look at the Operating Systems I'm using.
I like reading Ruben's blog: not only does he manage to write almost daily (and sometimes 2 or 3 posts a day!), but he does so on various topics, including fun ones.
He recently wrote about the OSs he uses most often, the angle being: "those are the operating systems i'm actually using, versus the ones I prefer".
I liked the approach so decided I should do the same!
So what OSs do I use most often?
Interestingly, unlike Ruben, I only use Unix/Linux and derivatives.
In order, this gives:
- MacOS - my work laptop is a MacBook Pro
- SailfishOS - my smartphone runs a proper Linux :)
- FreeBSD - my desktop PC, my web and DNS servers, and OPNsense (my home router)
- iOS - my work phone
- Debian GNU/Linux - my mail server, my Raspberry Pis
How about a (much) older one??
Since I'm using my Amstrad CPC quite a lot recently, I'm also including CP/M+ from Digital Research.
... Even though I'm using it through virtualisation - see this article as well as this one, and you can also checkout the "Amstrad Tag" on my blog.