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Music *day: Pink Floy's "One of These Days" (1971)

September 10, 2023 — Nico Cartron

New Topic!

I obviously write on music here, but Ruben has these posts he calls "Music Monday" (although they don't always appear on Monday) where he would go through one of the songs he likes.

I decided to do the same today (see context below).

Do not expect this to be on a regular basis, since I'll mostly write whenever a song hits me!

Also, I called this series "Music *day" since I don't know exactly on which day of the week I'll post! :)

Chosing the first song

I was on my way back from a DIY store, listening to Spotify's Pink Floyd albums, like a gentleman, when a blast from the past hit me: One of These Days!

I always loved that title (I hesitate to call it a song, since it's mostly instrumental): from the initial "wind", to the first guitar notes, then adding drums, and slowly ramping up!

It is part of the Meddle album, and the fact that I liked it is fun, since Meddle is far from being one of my favorites Pink Floyd's albums - the other song I would happily listen to is Echoes - as it brings back memories of PF's famous Live at Pompeii.

Pink Floyd

I listened to Pink Floyd a lot when I was young, as my father would very often play cassettes in the car.

I love a lot of their albums: from The Wall to Wish You Were Here, and also including Dark Side of the Moon or Pulse.

The only album I recall "witnessing" is The Division Bell in 1994, and one of my deepest regrets is not to have seen Pink Floyd live.

Still, I remember watching The Wall (the movie) a lot and enjoying it thoroughly!

Decrypting lyrics

Even though I consider myself a decent English speaker, I'm still not a native one, so there are times where English lyrics take a bit of time to understand.

One of These Days is one of these songs - basically, there's a single line in the whole song (at 3'37), but it's sung in such a way that it's hard for me to understand.

I can get the start: "One of these days ..." but the rest I can't. tells me that the line is:

 One of these days I’m going to cut you into little pieces

Interestingly, when checking the song's Wikipedia page), I discovered that these lyrics were sung by Nick Mason.

... and this is one more reason for me to give to Wikipedia.

Fun note

Speaking of their Live at Pompeii, I actually visited Pompeii last year while on a family vacation trip to Italy, and could see the Amphitheatre by myself, along with some displays from Pink Floyd's gig from 1972, so still celebrating 40 years after!

And here's a view of the Amphitheatre (I blurred people for obvious reasons):

Wrap Up

As I said, these posts will be very unfrequent, but I hope they're fun to read and give some background on the music I like!

Tags: Music

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