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Implementing "buy me a coffee" with

September 27, 2023 — Nico Cartron


I recently discovered that Ruben had implemented a "buy me a coffee" option on his blog, and since some readers asked me in the past if I was planning to do so, I had a look.


To be honest, I never thought about having this: I am writing mostly because I like doing so, sharing tips and feedback on the topics I like, and because I think it may be helpful to others.

Now, I firmly believe that if you use a product, listen to a podcast or anything like this, it's normal to give back - see the recent article I did about giving to e.g. Wikipedia.

I have a decent list of creators and projects that I regularly give to, but doing this the other way around never occured to me.

Which solution?

I knew, but I didn't know ko-fi, which is the solution Ruben is using.

I had a quick look at both, and found someone who did a comparison in that article.

TL;DR: both options are viable, but since I just wanted a simple option (i.e. a link that people can click on, say how many coffees they want to buy me, and this is it), it looked like ko-fi was the best choice.
I didn't want a Patreon-like page with different tiers etc.

Wrap Up

This is just a test: as the name suggests, the goal here is not to make money or have something similar to a Patreon, but rather allowing people who like what I'm doing to offer me a coffee (or a beer!).

If you want to support me, you can do it here.

Tags: Misc

I don't have any commenting system, but email me (nicolas at ncartron dot org) your comments!
If you like my work, you can buy me a coffee!