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Windows the Arch linux way

December 19, 2023 — Nico Cartron

Talking about Windows?

I can't say I don't like Windows, but I've used it long enough that I now avoid it as much as I can.
That means of course that I don't have any Windows-based computer at home, but this also extends e.g. to my in-laws PC, which I switched to Ubuntu 10 years ago.

So why writing about Windows?

Well, Chris Titus' recent article about installing Windows the Arch Linux way made me think!

In that article, Chris walks us through how you can install Windows not only using solely the command line, but also avoiding some of the annoying changes that Microsoft did, like requiring to be online, or using a Microsoft account.

This almost made me want to install Windows again.

Well, I said almost - cause I'm not gonna do it of course - I don't have any need for a Windows machine! :)

Tags: IT

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