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Tweaking BashBlog to make it easier to read using RSS

February 09, 2024 — Nico Cartron

The Problem

I recently realised that, because I was using a <hr /> tag in BashBlog to split the title/summary of an article, with the rest of the article, meant that newsreader would only display what is before that tag:

That's rather annoying, as the whole point of a newsreader is not to read the article in a web browser, but stay inside the newsreader.

The solution

Once again, since BashBlog is opensource and I have access to its source code (it's a single Bash script), all I had to do was to modify it:

% diff
<       # Nico 20231125 - remove $cut_do in get_htm_file_content
<       # below to include the entire articles content in the RSS feed
<       #get_html_file_content 'text' 'entry' $cut_do <"$i"
>       get_html_file_content 'text' 'entry' $cut_do <"$i"

and once I had regenerated my articles, it now looks a lot better:

Tags: Misc, IT

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