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Transferring screenshots from a Nintendo Switch to a Sailfish OS device

May 02, 2023 — Nico Cartron

To my surprise it is possible - let's see how to do it!

Screenshots on a Nintendo Switch

You can capture videos and screenshots on a Nintendo Switch, by using the dedicated button.
Those get saved on the Switch itself, and you have 2 options to transfer them:

  • using a USB-C cable,
  • wirelessly

I'll cover the latter in that article.

Let's try


The Switch tells you to scan a QR code, so that your smartphone can connect to the Switch.

I thought it was interesting, since it would mean that there's no need for an Android/iOS app, so I could use my Sailfish OS device to get those pictures (I had a few screenshots from Return to Monkey Island that I just finished, and wanted to use for a blog article).

Scanning the first QR Code

I scanned the QR Code to see what would happen, half expecting I would be greeted by a message telling me I need an Android app, but instead I got this:

OK, so it looks like the connection to the Switch is happening over WiFi, using WPA - should be possible to have SFOS connect to it.

Connecting with SFOS

I looked at the available WiFi networks, and surely enough, there was a switch_869... network!

I tried connecting to it, and got asked for a password:

  • I first tried with the characters after WPA, which includes 2 semicolons, but this didn't work.
  • then I looked at the string I copied, and there was also a semicolon after WPA, so I thought it must be a separator, and the second one should be the final character - so I tried just pasting the value qvi... and removed the 2 semicolons.

BOOM this time it worked, my SFOS device was connected to the Switch's WiFi network.

Scanning the second QR Code

The Switch screen then asked to scan a second QR Code, which I did and got:

It was obvious that the Switch exposes a web server on that URL, so I clicked the link and got:

Mission achieved - getting the images

By long-pressing each image, I was asked where I wanted to save it:

I chose the ~/Downloads folder, and confirmed that the pictures got saved :)

Wrap Up

I hope this post was helpful, I was pleasantly surprised by how Nintendo implemented this export feature, this is not "closed" (as in: it does not require the Nintendo app), so super nice.

Even though the next time, using a USB-C cable would probably be easier/faster!

Tags: SailfishOS, Tips

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