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Text-based tools I'm using on my FreeBSD laptop

December 11, 2024 — Nico Cartron


As I mentioned before, I recently switched to i3 as Window Manager on my FreeBSD laptop.

I was already using some text-based tools, but with i3 being all about focus, I made the switch for other tools as well.


  • Email client: Mutt
  • Addressbook: khard (along with vdirsyncer)
  • Calendar: khal (along with vdirsyncer)
  • File manager: ranger
  • Tasks: Taskwarrior


Of course, there's still a (very) few applications that I'm running with a graphical user interface:

  • Firefox browser,
  • KeepassXC - although I could use its cli,
  • QOwnNotes - I edit my Markdown notes with vim from time to time, but QOWnNotes' GUI is a lot more pleasant to use.

Tags: Opensource

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