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Synchronising Taskwarrior tasks with a Taskserver

April 23, 2024 — Nico Cartron


I recently started using Taskwarrior, to manage my todo list.
I had used Todo.txt a bit, but in the end I stopped using it as it didn't fit my needs.

Since then, I have been using QOwnNotes combined with some scripting, but it was not perfect either.

So when I stumbled upon Taskwarrior (I forgot how), I decided to give it a go.


Taskwarrior (TW) is easy to use through its cli: you manage you todos using a combination of projects, tags and contexts (if you want to filter things out). You can set due dates, priorities etc.

√ ~ % task project:perso

ID Age  Project Description                                                                                     Urg 
15 6d   perso   reinstall PineBook Pro                                                                          1.83
16 6d   perso   2FA SSH FreeBSD                                                                                 1.83

It is simple and straight to the point, and I like it.

Synchronizing tasks

One thing I absolutely need is synchronizing tasks between different computers.

While TW provides a "Task Server", I wanted to see whether I could use something simpler: since TW uses flat files, I tried synchronizing it with Nextcloud, including my taskrc (TW's configuration file).

And it worked beautifully! Of course there's one caveat: it won't deal with conflicts (i.e. if you create one task on 1 PC, and at the same time another task on a 2nd PC, then next time Nextcloud syncs, it will ask you to resolve the conflict... manually.


I wrote that article a couple of weeks ago, and Taskwarrior 3.0 got released a month ago, and is ditching support for the Taskserver, instead using cloud storage backend - pretty much what I did :-)

See that page for more details.

Tags: IT

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