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Strava implemented its "Messaging" feature in the right manner

December 10, 2023 — Nico Cartron

Strava has finally rolled out a messaging capacity within its mobile app.

To be honest, I was expecting it to be either half-baked, or a privacy nightmare, but looking at their post explaining how it works, I was pleasantly surprised and had a quick look.

There are 3 options:

  • "No One": nobody can message you (but you can start a conversation)
  • "Mutuals" (default): people can message you only if you follow each other
  • "Following": people can message you as long as you follow them (but they don't have to follow you)

I like the fact that the default is "Mutuals" - while "No One" could have been chosen, I also understand that Strava wants this feature to be used, so Mutuals is a good enough choice: if you're following someone and they follow you, then it makes sense that this person can message you.

And this is how it looks like:

You can also message a runner straight from his profile page.

Tags: Running, Misc

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