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Remembering where my website was hosted

June 24, 2023 — Nico Cartron

A quick and fun one to see what changed in 20+ years of hosting my domain

My domain

I bought the domain in November 2002 (so more than 20 years ago, time flies!), and even though I didn't have a website for 20 years, I used various providers for my email and web hosting.


I didn't write down all the changes I did, so most of the below will be off the top of my head :)

I checked on Netcraft to be sure (see screenshot below).

  • 2003: First hosting, while still a student at EPITECH
    • OS: FreeBSD
    • ISP: Club Internet (bought by SFR since then)
    • Location: Server at home
  • 2004-2005:
    • OS: FreeBSD
    • ISP: Nerim (bought by Keyyo since then)
    • Location: Server at home
    • Fun fact: I had a 1 MBps ADSL line at home, with a /29 IPv4 block
  • 2006-2008:
    • OS: Linux (I forgot which flavor, probably Debian)
    • ISP: Ikoula
    • Location: Datacenter in Reims, France
  • 2009-2015:
    • I didn't run a website for during that time
  • Since 2016:
    • OS: FreeBSD
    • ISP: Hivane Network

Wrap Up

Fun article to write - I didn't spend too much time on finding out the "holes", but it's true that in 20 years, many things happened, should it be studies, jobs, moving flats, etc.

For web hosting, I mainly stuck to FreeBSD/Apache, whereas for email and DNS, my experiences got a lot wider - you'll see that in upcoming articles!

Tags: Misc, IT

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