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On the exchanges with native speakers and learning new expressions

June 30, 2024 — Nico Cartron

At work, I mostly use English as I have colleagues in the US, Europe and APCJ. So while I do primarily speak and write English, some of those interactions are with "non-native" speakers, whose English is very good.

One thing that struck me though, is that when talking with native speakers, you get a chance to learn new expressions or sentences that are a bit more unusual or advanced.

For instance, the other day I was on a conference call with an American colleague, and while chatting about something that happened, he said:

"that's the way the cookie crumbles!"

While I got the meaning, I didn't know that expression, and I told him and thanked him.

Anyway - this was a short one, as that's one of the (many) things I like about working in international companies :)

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