My first blog post
Hello and welcome to my website/blog. I've been using this domain name, which I bought back in 2002 on Gandi when it was still using super ugly^M^M^M^M nice colors!
Remember this?
As I sometimes want to write on stuff I'm doing on various topics, either to share with others, or simply to have a place where I can look to remember myself this stuff, I figured out it would be nice to do it on my website. But still I didn't want a complex CMS with a database and a gazillon of dependencies to manage, and rather wanted something that could generate static files for me, ideally using Markdown as input files.
And then I stumbled upon Bashlog, which seemed the perfect fit.
This post is the first one, and we'll see whether I carry on with that, but in any case, do not expect regular posts here :)
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