Fixing vdirsyncer no longer working
Today, I started having issues when running vdirsyncer sync
to sync my
calendars to my FreeBSD laptop.
Running vdirsyncer with -vdebug
told me that I was getting a 401 from Baikal,
and indeed when looking at my web server logs, I had:
user (name stripped-out) authentication failure for Baikal
Coincidently (or not), I had just updated the FreeBSD packages on my laptop, so I figured out that was related.
vdirsyncer --version
reported 0.19.3, so I
searched for "vdirsyncer 0.19.3 authentication problem": the first result in
DuckDuckGo was this Gitlab
issue, titled "Sync attempt
causes 401 auth required after 0.19.2 -> 0.19.3 update".
Looks exactly like the problem I was having.
The issue is related to vdirsyncer looking at ~/.netrc, and using it instead of the password in the vdirsyncer configuration.
The proposed
fixed that - I just replaced
with that version,
and vdirsyncer was happy again after that.
Tags: IT