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Fabien Sanglard on the evolution of the Super Nintendo Motherboard

April 09, 2024 — Nico Cartron

As I said before, part of the websites I'm following through my RSS feed is Fabien Sanglard's one.

Fabien recently wrote a short yet super interesting article about the evolution of the Super Nintendo motherboard.

I absolutely loved that console, but honestly I only played it and didn't tinker with it, so it was absolutely delightful to read that article and see how Nintendo released 12 versions of the motherboard, and how they simplified it along the way, in terms of number of chips, starting with fifteen with the initial motherboard in 1990, down to just nine with the latest version in 1997.

I also took note of the SNES Mods Wiki on the ConsoleMods website, super interesting as well.

Tags: Retrogaming

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