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Engineering problems

December 23, 2023 — Nico Cartron

(Yet) another short one: I read this excellent article talking about... car problems.

How is that related to the topics I usually write about? (yep, I'm not yet into cars or mechanics reviews).

Well, it turns out that the article is about an interesting issue a customer of Pontiac had with his car.

He basically wrote to General Motors, complaining about his car not starting if and only if he was buying vanilla ice cream at the store. Any other flavor would not pose that problem, and the car would start just fine.

You can read the article to find out what happened, but I found it very fun, and it reminded me of many problems I encountered in my life in IT/Computer science in general, whose answer/solution seemed obvious to non-engineer/technical people, just because they thought 1+1=2.

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