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Cure to "Twitter interruptions"

October 16, 2023 — Nico Cartron


During the day, I would regularly check my Twitter feed and notifications, when I was not being interrupted by a notification about someone reacting to one of my tweets.

Some would argue that's pretty much the goal of Twitter - allow you to interact quickly with folks, but I decided to cut all the distractions I had during the day, so that I can stay focused.

And clearly, Twitter was one of those distractions.

Thanks Elon!

Ironically, one thing which helped a lot is Musk's decision to make Twitter's API a paying feature - which means that Piepmatz, the client I was using on Sailfish OS, stopped working from one day to another.

That was a starting point for me.

Then, because of Twitter's API rate-limit, Tweetdeck, the other mean for me to use Twitter, became unusable: because I had a bunch of columns (not much, I think maybe 5 or 6), I hit the rate-limit very quickly, meaning Tweetdeck couldn't be used anymore.

Twitter's web client was the only option left - and it was a less appealing one, so I started by having it in my Firefox' "pinned tabs", but then I found myself using it less and less, so I decided to make a test: let's close it, and only open it once in a while to check out what's happening.


That was a great move: instead of having the Twitter/X tab "tempting" me and interrupting my flow, I am now deciding when I want to check Twitter... and if I don't do it for a day or more, then that is completely OK.

Tags: Misc

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