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Changing how I add pictures in my articles

March 26, 2024 — Nico Cartron


When writing my first posts on that blog 4 years ago (time flies!), I included pictures "as it", without taking care of their size/dimension.
I quickly got feedback that some readers struggled displaying a page, because of the size of the images I included.

I then decided to fix that by displaying thumbnails of the pictures, and upon clicking on the thumbnail, the full picture would be displayed.

I do that with a small shell script which calls ImageMagick's Mogrify.


This works fine, however this is not super elegant as:

  • it forces me to included some HTML code in the markdown file I'm working on, and is also ugly when reading my posts in a RSS reader,
  • the thumbnail are usually pretty small, and the regular image is huge in comparison,
  • I'm not convinced a lot of readers care about the full picture.


When checking Ruben's articles, I noticed that he embedded his photos directly into the article, without any way to enlarge them - the only difference is that his pictures are a bit larger than mine: I typically have a width attribute of 300 to 400, when Ruben's uses 500 pixels.

So moving forward, I'll only display the pictures in-line with a wider width (probably 500).


  • Here is how a picture looked like before:

  • And here is how it looks with that change:

Tags: Misc

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