C++ Creator Bjarne Stroustrup - Life Advice
A recent post on Slashdot highlights Bjarne Stroustrup recently gave an interview where he shares his own advice for life.
This can be summed up as "if you're specialising in a specific topic, don't overspecialize, cause you don't know what the future looks like".
He then gives the example of "junior geeks" who live and breathe only through computers, and do not open themselves to other topics/human interactions.
This resonates with me, as I'm into IT and spend a lot of my time with computers for work, but also like thinkering with IT stuff at home.
However, I am also passionate about plenty of other topics, like trail running, rock music, hamradio or DIY stuff - and I'm using this blog as a medium to convey those things!
I really try to write about a variety of topics here, I'm sure not all of them are interesting for each and every reader, but I've received comments and feedbacks on a regular basis about some articles, which I take as "the stuff I'm doing is useful for some people!".
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