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BarWal: a Wallet application on Sailfish OS

March 05, 2023 — Nico Cartron

I finally found some time to setup BarWal on my 10iii, let's see how it works!

Wallet application

These days, more and more stores allow you to have a loyalty card, giving you points etc.
I'm not that much into it, but my wife and kids are, and it's sometimes nice to get a free burger at McDonald's, so I gave up and decided to look at what was available on Sailfish OS.


Fortunately, there's indeed a Wallet application, available on OpenRepos: BarWal link here.

It supports many barcodes format, but using it is not super user friendly or obvious: unlike its iOS or Android counter part, you can't scan directly the card and have it added to your wallet.
You rather need to use another app to scan your card (I'm using the excellent CodeReader app, which you can find both on the Jolla Store and OpenRepos.

You then have to:

  • scan the code,
  • copy the numbers/letters,
  • note which kind of code it is (Code 128, QR Code, ...)

and then you can create a new code in BarWal, paste the content of the code you got from CodeReader, specify which kind of code it is, and there you go!

You can also create have a custom icon, athough the process is a bit cumbersome: you have to save the icon as "barwal_icon.png", and the width has to be 128 pixels.

In the end you get something like this:

You can even see the barcode of the selected card in the SFOS app cover:

Using it

Nothing special: you select the code, which is then displayed - tap the screen one more time to reduce the size, and again to get back to "full screen".

I tested it while at MacDonald's, and it worked perfectly!

Wrap Up

I'm glad I finally get such an app as part of the Sailfish OS ecosystem, it's pretty cool and even though the setup is not as smooth as it could be, having 2 steps is not a deal breaker for me.

Tags: SailfishOS

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