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10 games to know me

January 22, 2024 — Nico Cartron

Once again, this article is in response to one from Ruben :)

However, I decided to do it slightly differently: I have played on many different platforms, from computers to game consoles, so I will pick just one game on each of the platforms I used - not easy, as there are many games I liked on each platform, but hey, that's part of the fun!

(I'll be adding screenshots only for some games, since some are more than famous)

  1. Coliseum (Thomson MO5) - Probably one of the first video games I played, around 1986 I think? You were basically playing a gladiator fighting in a.. coliseum. The Thomson was using tapes, so you had to wait for the tape reader to load the game, which would take a few minutes!
  2. The Legend of Zelda (Nintendo NES) - I played that game around 1987 at Carrefour, the French supermarket where we were going for grocery shopping. They had this nice NES stand with different games you could play, including Zelda and Duck Hunt.
  3. Rick Dangerous (Amstrad CPC) - It was hard to decide which game I should pick for the CPC, since that's probably the platform I spent the most time on when I was young. (You can check out the article I wrote about it).
  4. Le Manoir de Mortevielle (Atari ST) - I played it at a friend's, and was of course blown away by the speech synthesis: it was really ahead when it got released in 1987. The game required you to think and spend time carefully to find clues.
  5. Kickoff (Amiga 500) - I also did not own an Amiga, but I spent countless hours playing Kickoff at another friend's :)
  6. Quake III Arena (PC/Windows) - "You have taken the lead!" - who does not remember that? I played a lot Quake III on LAN parties, and had a lot of fun with it. I could have picked Kingpin as it was also fun, but in the end, Quake III wins.
  7. The World is not enough (Nintendo 64) - Released in 1997, I played it extensively when I got my Nintendo 64 console, and what a blast it was!
  8. Super Mario Kart (Super Nintendo) I had so much fun playing SMK with friends (and even nowadays, I still play it with my kids on our Wii U!). It's just fun and easy to play, doesn't last forever, and you can be sure you're gonna laugh when you start a game!
  9. Aliens vs. Predator (Atari Jaguar) A friend had the Jaguar, and I played Aliens vs. Predator a bit - I don't remember a lot about it, since we're talking circa 1995 probably, but I remember the huge game controller!
  10. Resident Evil (PlayStation) I played it a lot while doing my nurse studies, late at night with friends - it was such a blast in 1997!
  11. Luigi's Mansion (Nintendo Gamecube) - The Gamecube had a lot of good games, so picking one was not easy - but Luigi's Mansion is super fun - especially his weapon! (a vacuum cleaner)
  12. Halo (Microsoft Xbox) Another blast! Halo completely blew me away when I played it (again at a friend's since I didn't own an Xbox)
  13. Mario Party 7 (Nintendo Wii U) Yet another game super fun to play as a family, which I did with my wife and kids.

Wrap Up

I didn't include some of the platforms I played on, such as the Atari Lynx or the Nintendo Wii and Switch, but I already hit 12 games (instead of the 10 mentioned in that post's title).

It was fun remembering some old games I played, and also deciding which game to pick for which platform - I'll probably write some articles on which games I played on each platform, that'll be fun!

Tags: Retrogaming

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